Close More Deals Using Your Competition’s Data

Close More Deals Using Your Competition’s Data

Need a PPC Partner to Manage All the New PPC Clients You're Closing?

More than Just Ad Management!
The InvisiblePPC Partner Program Was Designed For New PPC Agencies Looking to Close More Deals

Partnership Includes:

PPC Sales & Onboarding Tools + Swipe Files

The tools you need to pitch, sell, and close more clients without having to do the heavy lifting.
  • Agency Pricing Guides
  • Ad Proposal Templates
  • Landing Page Structure Checklist
  • PPC Audit Checklists
  • Discovery Call Guides
And More!
IPPC-Swipe-Files (1)

Take the guess work out of your process with these helpful Agency & PPC resources that will help you do what matters: close more clients!

170+ White Label PPC Case Studies

As a partner, our experience becomes your experience! Use these PPC case studies to prove you can do the work and win more business.

Case studies span 50+ niches like:
  • Auto repair
  • Roofing
  • HVAC
  • Dental
  • Law
  • …and more…
And More!

Done-For-You Prospect Pitches

Let us take care of your pitches for you. We’ll do all of the data diving and competitive research then package it all up in an easy to deliver pitch that actually closes clients.

IPPC Partners get one complimentary D4Y Prospect Pitch per month.

Monthly Live Trainings & Recordings

Each month, we provide a new tactical training covering topics ranging from starting and scaling an agency to the latest in PPC strategies such as:
  • Agency Pricing Masterclass
  • Introducing Performance Max
  • Packaging and Pitching PPC Management
  • How to Run an Ad Audit
  • Agency Sales Psychology

Partners get access to the recordings of these trainings and all future recordings.

Monthly Office Hours

Get your most pressing questions answered from experts with a combined 30 years of marketing & agency experience.

Office hours are on the second Wednesday of each month and are designed to help you…

  • Answer agency growth questions
  • Clear up your offering
  • Ask how to handle a tricky client
  • Get feedback on pricing

These sessions are designed to get your agency the clarity it needs to grow.

Access to a Community of Your Peers & the IPPC Team

Get direct access to agency peers who have “been there and done that” already. 

InvisiblePPC Partner Program


Proven PPC Sales Materials & Swipe Files
Unlock Partner Only PPC Management Prices
$800/Client Value
Activate Volume Discounts
Starts at 5th Client
Proven PPC Sales Materials & Swipe Files with more added each month
$500 Value
170+ White Label Case Studies across 52 niches
(Our experience is YOUR experience)
$700 Value
12 Prospect Pitches
(1/per month)
$1800 Value
Monthly PPC & Agency Trainings PLUS All Previous Recordings
$3600 Value
Unlock the Landing Page Template Vault
$300 Value
Monthly Office Hours with Justin or Avi to get Your Questions Answered
$1200 Value
Access to a Community of Agencies & the IPPC Team
$300 Value
Total Value

Only: $1,180/Year

Payment Plans Available