Issue #18: [Must Read] 2022 State of PPC Report

It’s crazy we’re already at issue 18… which means the Blink has been around for almost 5 months! First off, thank you for subscribing and sticking around, and second…we’re going to try something new.
We want to double down on this being the quickest way to get practical advice to grow your business. That’s why we’re shortening The Blink going forward.
We’ve cut The Blink down to include:
  • One growth tip – it could be business, operations, marketing, sales, or anything else that will spark growth.
  • One announcement, cool tool, or something you’ve just got to check out this week.
Please, please, please share your thoughts on this change by replying or using the feedback links at the end of the email.
Now, let’s dive in!
🔥 Marketing Tip: Stop Using LTV & Start Using OYV
I didn’t mean to acronym bomb you here, but this is just something I have to get off my chest.
Lifetime Value (LTV) isn’t as useful of a metric as you think…especially when you’re trying to budget out your max cost per lead/sale on paid platforms. Relying too much on LTV could overinflate your max CPL/CPA and leave you paying it back over several years!
We like to look at One Year Value (OYV). It ensures that you don’t have an overly spread-out investment payback period, minimizes outliers, and is WAY easier to calculate.
Just look at the average revenue per client in a given year, and you’re done. By using this as a benchmark, you should have no problem hitting targets that will help you get a return on your acquisition spends in a few months vs. a few years.
🤖 2022 State of PPC Report released their State of PPC report…and you’ve got to check it out. Amazingly…there’s NO form! Just click the button and it’s yours.
This 49-page report is filled with PPC stats ranging from Ad platform adoption & spend, PPC agency vs. in-house deep dives, pricing models, agency strengths* and weaknesses, and way more…
Some stand out stats include:
  • PPC professionals are motivated by results (not a surprise but worth calling out)
  • Advertisers with lower budgets stick with Google & FB but when budgets increase they expand to Microsoft & YouTube.
  • Nearly half of the respondents shared that they spend less than 50k/month on ads (pages 11 and 12 were particularly eye-opening)
Go take a look. I think you’ll really enjoy section 4 about the skills people are looking to improve, and you can use that to position yourself to prospects.
Talk next week,
CEO & Chief Wizard