In this week’s issue, we have two of my favorite copy tricks! The first is a useful copy formula for bullets and the second is the famous “5 Second Test.”
🚅 Marketing Tip: Lackluster bullets on your page? Try this!
When you’re writing bullets on your homepage, landing page, product page, or ANY page use the “…so you…” trick
We’re always trying to balance features and benefits, but using this copy tip you get both.
And here are two examples. One for IPPC and another for a project management software company
“…So You…” benefit rich bullets are the shortcut to telling your visitors WHAT they are getting and speak to WHY it matters.
In general, you want the benefit to speak to the pain the feature alleviates or to how they’ll feel when they use the feature.
Go check out your homepage or landing page and give this a shot. It’ll be worth it!
✍️ Cool Tool: Copy is hard, try this!
Writing copy is tough…even if you have a bag full of tricks like the bullet one above.
There’s no better way to test your messaging than getting it in front of your target market to find out if you resonate.
Here’s how it works. The test shows an image of your site and in
Then there are a series of questions that you get to define. I normally ask the following:
“What was the main offer on the page?” and “What was the next step”
The responses can be…well… mind-boggling. I’d highly recommend giving this a shot before your next campaign.
Or do the “Free” version and try this internally (preferably with someone not on your team)