How to Win PPC Clients: 7 Tactics Every Agency Should Know 

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Winning PPC clients is tough. Discover seven game-changing tactics for success, from understanding your client's industry to effective follow-ups. Master the competition and grow your client base. Read the blog now.
Every successful PPC agency has compelling stories of client growth. Securing clients in the highly competitive world of Pay-Per-Click advertising requires a blend of tact, persuasion, and value demonstration.
In this guide, we walk you through effective strategies to sell PPC services. We cover everything from mastering your product knowledge to leveraging testimonials.

Whether you’re a start-up agency or an established firm, this guide provides insights to help you attract and secure your ideal PPC prospects in the vast PPC landscape.

Let’s get started

Step 1: Know the Ad Platforms Inside Out

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To effectively sell PPC services, it’s essential to know the product thoroughly. This involves understanding major PPC platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads, each offering unique advantages.

For instance, consider the diverse advantages of Google and Facebook Ads. Google’s Shopping Ads is a powerful tool for e-commerce clients, allowing for direct display of product images and prices. Meanwhile, Facebook Ads cater to a wide range of demographics, providing a different kind of audience reach and lead generation opportunities.

The key is understanding these differences to match your client’s needs.

                                                        Different Types Of Ad Platforms For Different Needs

  • Google Ads: This platform, with its extensive feature set, makes it an excellent choice for businesses across a variety of sectors who want to increase visibility and drive conversions. Google Ads is a great platform for clients who are looking out to capture actively searching, high-intent customers.
  • Facebook Ads: Facebook’s user base is vast and diverse, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to reach a wide demographic. It’s suitable for community building and expanding brand awareness.
  • LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn is populated by professionals, making it the go-to platform for B2B marketing or recruitment campaigns. It allows a targeted approach to reach potential clients or candidates.
  • Twitter Ads: With its real-time nature, Twitter is suitable for businesses such as news agencies or companies in fast-paced industries like technology, helping them disseminate timely content quickly.
  • Pinterest Ads: A visually-oriented platform, Pinterest is ideal for industries related to fashion, home decor, or DIY crafts. Businesses can showcase their products or services to individuals seeking visual inspiration.
  • TikTok Ads: With a young and dynamic user base, TikTok is great for industries like entertainment, gaming, or fast fashion targeting younger demographics. Its video-centric format captivates and engages audiences effectively.
  • Amazon Ads: This platform is best for e-commerce businesses operating on Amazon. It promotes products directly to users who are already in a shopping mindset, boosting visibility and sales.

Remember, the key to success is to match the client’s business and campaign objectives with the right advertising platform.

Familiarity with PPC terminology like Quality Score, Click-Through Rate, and Cost-Per-Click is crucial to crafting successful campaigns and communicating effectively. For example, explaining to a client how improving Quality Score can lower their campaign costs demonstrates your expertise.

Staying updated with the latest PPC trends and best practices ensures you provide the most current and effective solutions, like leveraging new ad extensions to meet a client’s specific needs. Deep product knowledge leads to confident and competent service pitching.

Step 2: Understand the Prospect’s Business

In order to successfully pitch your PPC services, gaining an understanding of your client’s business is crucial. This goes beyond knowing what they sell; it’s about comprehending their industry, the competitive landscape, and the specific challenges they face
For instance, if your prospect is a small organic food store competing against larger supermarkets, their primary challenge might be standing out in a saturated market. In this case, you might develop a PPC strategy that emphasizes their unique selling propositions, such as locally sourced products or eco-friendly practices, and targets keywords that larger competitors may overlook.

Furthermore, understanding their business objectives is key. Are they trying to increase online sales, improve brand awareness, increase store walk-ins or generate leads for a new product line?

Let’s say if the client’s goal is to enhance brand awareness and reach a broader audience, Facebook Ads can be a valuable solution. By creating visually appealing and engaging ad campaigns on Facebook, the client can effectively target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, maximizing brand exposure and building awareness among potential customers.

Demonstrating that you’ve tailored your approach to their specific needs and goals will help foster trust, making them more likely to invest in your services.

Step 3: Understand the Prospect’s Competition


Understanding your prospect’s competition is a key step in effectively selling PPC services. This involves identifying who the main competitors are, understanding their digital marketing strategies, and analyzing their PPC campaigns.

When you have a clear grasp of what the competition is doing, you can effectively tailor your strategy to help your prospects stand out and gain an edge.

For instance, you can find out what keywords competitors are bidding on, which ad formats they use, and even gain insights into their messaging and offers.

Let’s take the example of your prospect being a local law firm. First, you would need to analyze the PPC strategies of other law firms in the area. What kind of keywords are they bidding on? Are they focusing on specific services like ‘personal injury’ or ‘divorce’? How are they framing their ad copy and calls to action? What kinds of offers are they promoting through ad extensions?

With this insight, you can design a PPC strategy tailored for your prospect, differentiating them from their competitors. Rather than mirroring what others are doing, the goal is to create an effective and unique PPC campaign that outperforms the competition.

For more insights on utilizing competition data to secure deals, check out our training video Here. It guides you through the process of employing competitive intelligence in your PPC strategy

For a more comprehensive understanding, consider utilizing tools like PPC Reveal, which offers real-time data on Keyword Performance, Advertisers, Ad Copy, Landing Pages, Ad Schedule, and more, based on geographical location and the specific keywords you intend to target for ads.

Step 4: Clearly Communicate the Value of PPC


Businesses may view PPC (Pay-per-click) as an extra cost rather than a beneficial investment. Your role as a PPC agency is to change this perception and highlight the worth of PPC. Explain how it enhances brand visibility by positioning their offerings in front of their target audience on search engine results pages. Emphasize the immediacy of results – unlike SEO, PPC can yield immediate traffic and conversions.

Also, underline that every aspect of PPC is measurable, providing insights into campaign performance and return on investment. By showcasing these benefits, you can help businesses see PPC as a vital tool for growth and profitability.

For instance, you can emphasize how PPC helps enhance brand visibility by placing them directly in front of their target audience on search engine results pages. This targeted exposure can lead to a significant increase in high-quality traffic to their website, attracting individuals who are actively seeking their products or services.

Step 5: Offer PPC Audits


Offering PPC audits is a strategic way to attract potential clients. You can assess their ongoing PPC campaigns, pinpoint improvement areas, and showcase how your services can enhance their results.

For example, if an audit reveals a client’s use of overly generic keywords, you can suggest specific ones to improve their ad performance. This approach provides a chance to demonstrate your expertise, serving as a stepping stone toward building a fruitful working relationship.

It’s worth mentioning, though, that while audits can be an incredibly useful tool for engagement, offering them for free may inadvertently devalue your expertise. They may also attract clients more interested in freebies than investing in top-quality services.

Instead, it’s a good idea to charge for these audits but offer to credit back the cost if the client chooses to sign up with you for their account. This way, the audit isn’t ‘free,’ but it provides value to both the agency and the client – a win-win!

This strategy ensures your expertise is respected while still enticing clients with the potential value-add.

Want more insights? Dive into our short video for an in-depth look.

Our ‘Done-For-You PPC Ads Audit’ is specifically tailored to impress your prospects and convert them into enduring clients.

Step 6: Use Case Studies and Testimonials


Leverage the power of case studies and testimonials to display your PPC mastery. Case studies show the journey from challenge to success with your services, validating your expertise. For instance, you might detail how you boosted a retail business’s online sales via a strategic PPC campaign.

Similarly, testimonials are personal recommendations from satisfied clients. They build trust, showing potential clients the value your services have provided to others.

Including these real-world success stories in your pitch can reassure potential clients that your services deliver tangible, measurable results, and they can expect similar success.

Step 7: Provide Competitive Pricing


The cost of your PPC services plays a pivotal role in attracting clients. You must balance competitive rates with the value and skill you offer. If the price is too high, it may deter potential clients; too low, and you risk undermining your services’ worth. Consider creating tiered pricing structures to accommodate various budgets and needs.

For instance, a ‘Starter’ package could include fundamental PPC services like keyword research and campaign setup. A ‘Growth’ package might build on this by adding regular campaign optimization and reporting. Lastly, a ‘Premium’ package could offer advanced strategies, like landing page optimization and conversion rate optimization. This approach allows clients to select a service level that aligns with their budget and goals.

Still confused about where to start? Learn how to select the best pricing model for your services & read all about the 5 pricing models Here


Selling PPC services goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. It involves understanding your client’s needs, effectively communicating the value of PPC, demonstrating your expertise, and providing competitive pricing. By mastering these strategies, you can improve your sales process, attract more clients, and grow your PPC agency.

Further, you can master selling PPC services & closing deals with our free training: “The Ultimate Guide on How to Close More Sales for Your Agency”. Learn to leverage sales psychology and the 80/20 rule with experts Alex Schlinsky and Justin Rondeau to boost your agency’s growth.

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