How to Train Your PPC Managers: A Guide for Agency Owners

This blog post explores the foundational knowledge and advanced strategies necessary for successful PPC campaign management, including understanding PPC basics, utilizing essential tools like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, and integrating advanced features such as audience targeting and ad extensions. It also emphasizes practical training approaches such as hands-on experience, shadowing, and continuous education through industry resources and certifications. By investing in comprehensive training programs, agency owners can equip PPC managers to deliver exceptional results and drive business growth effectively.

Greatest hits

Well trained PPC managers are essential for a marketing agency’s success. They oversee campaign creation and optimization to increase traffic, leads, and conversions. Their performance directly affects your agency’s reputation and client satisfaction.
Understanding advanced strategies and tools is part of successful campaign management. A good PPC manager must be familiar with keyword research, content writing, ad copy creation, and performance analytics. This knowledge base helps PPC managers produce quality, well-targeted ads that deliver strong results and maximize ROI. So, what should a good PPC manager know before they start a PPC campaign?

The Basics of PPC

Quality Score is a metric used by Google Ads to measure the relevance and quality of keywords, ads, and landing pages, affecting costs and ad positions. It is based on expected click-through rate, ad relevance, and landing page experience.
Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the percentage of viewers who click on your ad. A high CTR suggests your ad is relevant and appealing to your audience.
Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is the amount paid per ad click, influenced by your bid, Quality Score, and keyword competition. Effective CPC management is important for a profitable PPC campaign.
Optimizing for Quality Score and CTR is essential for efficient PPC campaigns, while managing CPC optimizes investment returns. Mastery of these concepts leads to more successful campaigns.

Essential PPC Management Tools

  • Google Ads: A popular platform for creating ads on Google search and partner sites with extensive targeting and metrics.
  • Microsoft Ads: Allows advertising across Bing and Microsoft Search Network, often with lower costs per click to complement your PPC approach.
  • Facebook Ads: Offers targeted advertising based on user demographics and interests across various formats like images and videos.

Advanced Features:

  • Ad Extensions: Enhance your ad with extra information, such as site links or call buttons, to improve visibility and click-through rates.
  • Audience Targeting: Segment your audience by demographics, interests, or behaviors with tools like Google’s RLSA for bid customization and Facebook’s custom and lookalike audiences for precision marketing.
InvisiblePPC offers its clients a robust list of resources, including tutorials, best practice guides, and case studies. These resources help agency teams refine their PPC strategies and stay abreast of industry developments. They also enable your team to acquire insights and knowledge for more effective campaign management.
By adopting these training strategies and resources, agency owners can ensure their PPC managers are prepared to manage complex campaigns and achieve excellent results for clients.

Implementing Practical Training Programs

Train new PPC managers to identify high-value keywords using tools such as Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush, emphasizing long-tail and negative keywords. Teach them to create engaging ad copy with relevant keywords and strong appeals that comply with platform guidelines. They also need to know how to design conversion-optimized landing pages with clear headlines and calls to action. Educate them on tracking campaign performance and understanding user behavior with Google Analytics.
Then, give new managers practical experience by letting them run small campaigns under supervision. It’s helpful to shadow experienced managers to help them learn best practices. Provide regular performance reviews to offer feedback and promote continuous improvement. Structured training and practical application equip PPC managers to manage complex campaigns and achieve successful results.

Training In-House PPC Managers

Ensuring PPC managers are well-equipped for complex campaigns requires investing in educational resources. These include courses, workshops, and certification programs that cover both basic and advanced PPC strategies. Continuous learning through webinars and up-to-date training materials is essential for your PPC managers to keep up with industry trends and techniques.
Attracting and retaining skilled PPC managers demands competitive salaries and benefits. If you want successful campaign outcomes, you must build a proficient team that can deliver exceptional results for your agency.

Measure Success and Plan for Improvement

You need a real-time dashboard that offers a clear view of your campaign performance so you can make immediate adjustments when needed. Detailed reports help summarize key metrics, campaign adjustments, and provide actionable insights for improvement. Here’s what any good PPC manager needs to know:
  • Conversion Rates:The percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, such as a purchase or sign-up. High conversion rates indicate effective ad targeting and landing page optimization.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): A measure of the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. A higher ROAS signifies a more profitable campaign.
  • Click Fraud Protection: Identifying and mitigating invalid clicks from bots, competitors, or accidental clicks. Protecting against click fraud ensures your ad budget is spent on genuine interactions.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Keep your PPC managers updated on the latest ad trends and changes through access to industry-leading blogs, webinars, and training sessions. Provide continuous education to keep your team knowledgeable about new tools and strategies. Conduct regular audits of your PPC campaigns to identify areas where your managers can make improvements. Finally, suggest PPC strategy updates based on performance data and industry changes to maintain each campaign’s effectiveness.

How to Create Great PPC Campaigns While Training PPC Managers

InvisiblePPC’s services cover comprehensive PPC management, including a dedicated account manager, ad copy creation, landing page optimization, analytics, and ongoing campaign adjustments without additional fees. Our personalized support helps you create digital ad strategies that align with your clients’ goals.
  • InvisiblePPC provides expert ad copywriting services to craft compelling and high-converting ads tailored to specific audiences.
  • We also offer landing page design and optimization services, improving post-click conversions, campaign performance, and ROI.
We provide marketing agencies with expert support while you perform extensive in-house training for your own PPC managers. This allows you to focus on scaling your business while ensuring uninterrupted high-quality PPC management for your clients. Our transparent pricing and all-inclusive packages are a cost-effective solution for any marketing agency. Whether you need to temporarily scale up, fill the gaps, or jumpstart your new PPC manager’s capabilities, we can help.


The right training for PPC managers is critical for agency success. Skilled managers will improve your campaign performance and client satisfaction, boosting retention. InvisiblePPC offers expert support and PPC management services that help agency owners ensure quality and focus on business growth. Utilize InvisiblePPC’s expertise to enhance your PPC campaigns for outstanding outcomes. Contact us to get started!

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Picture of Justin Rondeau
Justin Rondeau
Justin has been doing this whole “Marketing” thing since 2010, when he was mildly […okay maybe more than mildly] obsessed with all things, data, email, optimization, and split testing. He’s trained thousands of marketers, spoken on hundreds of stages, runs a delightful team of marketers, has dozens of shirts louder than his voice, and loves one hockey team: the Boston Bruins.