4 Types Of Offers That Will Make Your Client’s PPC Lead Generation Campaigns More Successful

4 ppc lead generation campaign offers
Your clients offer and positioning is pivotal to their success with online advertising. When it comes to PPC, your clients offer needs to stand out from the crowd if they want their campaign to be as successful as possible.

Greatest hits

With new lead generation strategies, tactics and hacks being shared daily by some of the best minds in the marketing industry, it can be extremely difficult for your clients to decide what their next campaign will be.

In a recent study, 63% of business owners stated that their biggest problem in marketing is generating new traffic and leads. As their trusted digital agency of choice, what are you doing to make sure that their campaigns are as effective as possible?

One thing you can do is to help them craft a stand out offer that is more likely to make their lead generation strategy a success. Their offer should be the backbone of any campaign, so it’s important to get it right.

When and where should the offer be made?

As a white label PPC provider, we’ve seen and managed thousands of campaigns across various platforms and networks. Trust us, we know when and where and offer should be made.

Ad copy and images

Usually, the first place that successful offers are made is through ad copy and images. When used properly, these two are powerful enough to convince your clients target audience, with a mix of clever ad text and brilliant design.

Landing page offer

The next stage to showcase your clients offer in a PPC campaign is the landing page. The liberty to put as much information about your client’s product into one page is tempting, but don’t! A clear and concise way of promoting their offer should do the trick. The offer should be the main focus of the entire page, eliminating any visual distractions, such as unnecessary information.

Email follow up

Another way that your client can make their offer is through email follow-up sequences. Once your client has managed to collect the landing page visitor’s email address, it’s time to follow up and really drive the benefit of the offer home. This can be done manually, but in most cases this will be done with email marketing tools like ActiveCampaign or MailChimp.

Phone call follow up

Lastly, phone call follow-ups can also be one of the best ways you client can talk to prospects about their offer. This is different from cold-calling. Obviously, the contacts that they should call are their existing clients, a prospect who declined before, or one the members of their Facebook group who have expressed interest in the product or service.Your client is likely to see a better success rate when targeting these types of “warm contacts”.

4 offer types that we see work really well in PPC campaigns

So again, what does your client offer? As mentioned above, there are many places to make the offer apparent. But the offer itself can be quite difficult to determine. That is why we came up with the top four types of offers that can lead to success in PPC campaigns.

Free Consultations or Quotes

One of the ways to show your client’s business’ value is to offer free consultations or quotes. This means that when your client has a consultation phase in their line of business, you can advise them to offer that up for free. What you can do is to look at your client’s case studies, if any, and figure out how they have solved a burning problem. Identify and quantify the success and package this up into an enticing service/product introduction as a free consultation.

Free Valuable Resources (lead magnets)

Resources can be free brochures, worksheets, or checklists. These are not ordinary documents containing business information, but high-value data that can be used by the target audience. For example, if the client is a fitness expert, the best giveaway would be a diet plan which is not too elaborate. A short meal plan, ranging from 2 weeks to a month is ideal. You can tag this offer as something to set off your client’s prospects to a good start.

Money Off Service/Product

Discounts are always attractive. Consumers respond to anything that appears to be their chance to save money. In fact, more than 64% of online buyers wait to purchase a product or service until they go for sale. This is where you should base your third type of offer. What does your client currently offer that can be priced at a lower rate? You also have to ask, “Will the discount affect the perceived value of the product?” You wouldn’t want to undervalue your client’s service/product. So, determine the product and the price carefully.

Bonus Services/Products

Since we are on the topic of “value,” you can consider this type of offer as an instant reward to your client’s prospects. Whoever signs up or inquires about the service, will get a bonus in addition to the actual product that they will pay for. There are several reasons why this works. First, bonuses stimulate the number of purchasing trips. Secondly, bonus premiums increase the possibility that the audience will share the info regarding your offer. And third, consumers are more likely to purchase in the category when there’s a bonus.

Wrap up..

So, here’s the thing – not all offers work. As a marketer, you need to ask yourself, “What are the factors that trigger consumer decisions?” Once you know what the target market is exactly looking for, you will be able to determine with your client the type of offer that you will go for.
Be creative, be bold! Some offers can go over the top, but with a strong sense of marketing strategy, your clients lead generation efforts can become very successful.

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Picture of Justin Rondeau
Justin Rondeau
Justin has been doing this whole “Marketing” thing since 2010, when he was mildly […okay maybe more than mildly] obsessed with all things, data, email, optimization, and split testing. He’s trained thousands of marketers, spoken on hundreds of stages, runs a delightful team of marketers, has dozens of shirts louder than his voice, and loves one hockey team: the Boston Bruins.