6 Home Improvement Business Issues & How To Use Them To Sell Marketing Services

Home maintenance and improvement businesses provide a huge opportunity for marketing agencies.

Home maintenance and improvement businesses provide a huge opportunity for marketing agencies.

Roofers, tilers, cleaners, fencers, and air conditioning specialists, are just a few examples of businesses who thrive on digital marketing leads and rely on the expertise of agencies to help them grow.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • People tend to use search engines such as Google to find these kinds of services. So SEO and PPC services are a great match.
  • Increased competition in these industries has led businesses who traditionally rely on word-of-mouth marketing to look for alternate lead generation channels.
  • These firms often lose money on digital marketing since their owners are inexperienced. which means if they go it alone they tend to waste a lot of money. Not to mention, they simply don’t have the time to manage everything in the business.

Given the opportunity that this sector offers for marketing agencies, many agencies find themselves looking for ways to get more home improvement clients. In fact, home improvement rates in the top 5 industry sectors we run white label PPC campaigns for.

So, then, how do you find and win more home improvement clients?

We have found that the most successful approach to landing more home improvement clients is to understand and focus your marketing efforts on their key business problems. Below are 6 of the most prominent problems faced by home improvement businesses and how you can use them to your advantage when selling your services.

#1. Limited resource capacity

A major concern for home improvement businesses is their lack of resource capacity. This manifests itself in several ways, including;
  • The difficulty they face in finding quality and reliable staff.
  • The inefficiencies and downtime of the at-home business model which includes travel, reporting, invoicing, and quotations, resulting in less time on money-making activities and reduced output.
These two reasons alone can be why a home improvement business chooses not to work with a marketing agency.They want business growth, but they recognise too many additional positions could strain their resource capacity.
Now, even though you can’t actually run their business for them, you can provide reassurance and guidance during the sales process for your services For example, if they’re worried about getting too many enquiries from a new PPC campaign, you can reassure them by explaining your financial constraints. Basically, they can start slow and invest more money as time goes on and they have more capacity to fill.
To address the company model’s inefficiencies, you can suggest targeting micro-geographies. By targeting a specified geography, your campaign reduces the amount of leads and keeps their team focused on a narrower area.
This lowers travel time and boosts output, increasing profits.

#2. Minimal digital marketing knowledge

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that most home improvement business owners have limited knowledge of digital marketing. After all, they have 101 other priorities to worry about and have probably come from a background of offline marketing techniques.

This gap in knowledge about what works (and what doesn’t) when it comes to digital lead generation can work in your favor. After all, it’s why they are considering working with you in the first place.

Your organisation can build confidence and authority by addressing these business owners’ concerns. You can write landscaping business blogs, videos, and white papers. This applies to several home improvement industry segments.
See below how “SEO Expert Brad” published a blog post targeted specifically at air conditioning companies, titled 11 HVAC Marketing Strategies: Grow Your Business in 2019:
For another example of a blog post that is aimed at doing a similar thing, check out this article from Design Hill focused on landscaping businesses; Top 10 Marketing Ideas For Promoting Your Landscaping Business:
By providing value in the form of free content to these prospective clients and business owners, you build a base level of credibility. If they consume this content and consider it to be helpful, they are more likely to trust you with their marketing activity.

#3. Seasonal peaks and troughs

It’s common for home improvement businesses to experience seasonal peaks and troughs in workload. For example, a pool cleaning business will likely be busier during the warmer months of the year and could find it hard to get work in winter.

This seasonality in workload also results in lumpy periods of revenue and staff capacity headaches. An ongoing concern for business owners in this sector.

Now, there is always going to be some element of seasonality in certain businesses – the pool cleaning business is a great example. You can’t influence the weather. However, you can use your knowledge of this problem to build trust with potential clients. For example, if you can maximize their busy months by getting more lead volume or extending them out slightly, the return on investment can be significant over time.

Check out this Facebook ad from Roofing Marketing Pros that highlights a case study of one of their clients. It shows how their marketing expertise can generate substantial revenue for a roofing business that will sustain them all year round and minimize the peaks and troughs:

#4. Increased competition

The barrier to entry for new home improvement businesses is lower than ever. This is especially true for niches such as landscaping, handyman services, and cleaning which don’t require rigorous training qualifications. Basically, anyone can set up one of these businesses and start dropping fliers in letterboxes tomorrow.

A lower barrier to entry means that competition is growing and standing out is much harder than it has ever been. This increased competition is forcing many home improvement business owners to look for different marketing channels – digital often being at the top of the pile.

Understanding, first, that competition is rising in most home improvement industries and, second, that this competitiveness makes business owners nervous might give you an edge in sales.
Consider how targeted marketing activities can reduce competition in certain sectors and inform your potential clients. Google Ads and SEO strategies might target lower-volume but more concentrated keywords to beat intense competition. As indicated, your clients could be hyper-targeted in a specific location.

The strategies for overcoming competition aren’t necessarily the most important part. It’s about knowing that this is an ongoing concern for your ideal clients and being prepared with a solution to alleviate these concerns.

Landscaping marketing agency, Landscape Leadership, emphasize the point of staying ahead of the competition as a key factor on their homepage:

#5. High costs

Running a home improvement business can be costly. Staffing expenditures, especially when combined with travel time inefficiencies, can limit expansion.

For a business owner, the costs add up quickly. The last thing they want to do is unwittingly spend more money than they need to on marketing without seeing a return on their investment. Being prepared to address potential cost objections will be critical to your chance of landing a new client in this space.

Below is an example of a marketing agency honing in on this challenge by providing a free guide on their website that alerts home improvement businesses to the mistakes they may be making which are costing them money:
Think about how you can compile case studies of successful clients in a similar niche who have achieved a positive return from their investment with your agency. Show off how you were able to keep the cost of a campaign lower than average, while still achieving favorable results.

#6. Lack of time

Home improvement entrepreneurs are busy and time-poor. They’re employing new workers, keeping customers satisfied, working with suppliers, running the books, and finding new business.
The last thing they want to involve themselves with is yet another time-consuming activity.
Consider this when creating marketing materials and sales pitches for this area. Promote your agency’s “done-for-you” service. But also reassure them with case studies and outcomes reporting that you can exceed their expectations.
This way they will feel confident in handing over the reins to their digital marketing activity and excited by the prospect of achieving business outcomes without putting in more hours.
For example, RT Marketing highlight the desire of home remodelers to grow their business without spending more of their valuable time on marketing on their homepage:


Here are some key takes away from the blog above:
🍄Targeting home maintenance and improvement businesses requires understanding their unique challenges.
🍄Identifying the common challenges in this industry can help you empathize with your clients.
🍄Crafting a compelling marketing message and value proposition can be achieved by addressing these key issues.
🍄Relevant case studies can reinforce your message and overcome the challenges.
🍄Speaking the same language as your ideal clients is essential to connect with them on a personal level.
Think about it, how can you sharpen your sales and marketing approach based on the suggestions in this article?

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Picture of Avi Kumar
Avi Kumar
Avi took the Engineering Route to Marketing. He loves proving that all marketing is Scientific and not black magic. He is obsessed with finding efficient ways of doing things. He started at 17 from improving how to “Holystone” ship’s wooden decks efficiently as an apprentice on ships!